
Frequently Asked Questions

Why the map is so tiny?

Because it’s not the point. You only check your positioning on the map, and pan it to adjust. Watch the amenity list below, sorted by distance from you.

The map gets bigger when you edit amenities far from your location. Although the app was made to edit things you see with your eyes.

What are the checkmarks for?

These are marks that amenity data was confirmed. They add the check_date tag with the current date.

The idea behind the checkmarks is that, say, you surveyed half the city the first time. Then after a month you came back and went to survey again. You need to somehow mark that you see the amenity, but nothing has changed about it. That’s the checkmark: you tap it and continue.

The mark stays checked for two weeks. After that you may survey the amenities again.

Why the app is in German?

If you expect English, try going to the phone Settings. There find “System”, and “Languages”. Try adding the English language to the list and restarting the editor.

There’ll be a language switcher in the app later.

How to add a building entrance?

At the top right there’s a button for switching editing modes. It changes modes between amenities, micromapping, and entrances.

In the entrance mode, tap or drag the door button in the bottom right corner onto the map.

Can I type letters into an apartment number?

If your numeric keyboard cannot be switched to a full one, check the app settings. They are behind the button at the top left corner. Switch on the “extended numeric keyboard” there.

Are floors “3” and “/3” the same?

No. The first one has addr:floor=3 tag filled. That’s the floor as it is printed on navigation and commonly used. The second one does not have this tag, but has level=3. That number is a sequential floor number from zero to building:levels - 1. That is, in a three-storey building addr:floor value depends on a country, but level is always 0, 1, or 2.

Here is how the notation in the editor related to these tags:

How to undo an edit?

In the changes list available from Settings, just swipe the item to the left.

How to change an amenity type?

Tap on the editor title, where the type is written.

All tagging questions

Why an object is missing in the editor? When these white dots are displayed in the micromapping mode? How objects are sorted?

Answers to all these questions are in good_tags.dart. Here’s what you can look at:

How to change or translate preset fields?

The editor relies on iD editor presets. To modify these, submit a pull request to this repo.

The presets are translated at Transifex.

To translate value options, first make a pull request to the repo adding desired options, like here. Then, when the translation source on Transifex is updated, there will be strings to translate. Like here.